Dressing Tips For Your Best Friend's Wedding

April 05, 2018 2 min read

Dressing Tips For Your Best Friend's Wedding

The time has come, your BFF is finally getting married, and you officially cannot be much happier than this.

But after the historic “yes” from the bride, time seems to be running at much higher paces

There is shopping, then there are groom’s grooming sessions; there are band bookings and what not?

Understandably, he trusts you the most, so, you may end up doing majority of the work, resulting in getting no time for your own shopping.

You are the most important person in the wedding after the groom and bride; therefore, you cannot afford to look raunchy.

Hence, here are some tips that may help you choose the righteous dress for your best buddy’s wedding.

Don’t blow the groom away

He is your best friend, and it is his special day, never pick a suit, so incredibly good that it will blow him off the stage.

You don’t want to grab more attention than the groom, no Sir!

Thus, the best thing is to make sure the groom decides his suit before you decide yours. This way, you will know how much charming is too much charming.

The colors have to be different too, suggest a theme, and assign colors to the couple and the guests, and this problem is solved.

What to wear

The tux is for the groom, can't argue with this and who isn’t wearing a suit at any weeding right?

So, to float you ashore, in comes the blazers, if chosen wisely the blazers can serve your fashion appetite better than any suit out there.

The best thing about blazers is these are an all-time favorite, and you can wear it literally anywhere and with anything.

It won’t be like, okay, this is the wedding suit and can’t be used anywhere else, no one has the power to label a blazer.

Put white cotton shirt with chinos and a classy pair of loafers and you will be the ladies man, or lady’s man depending on your choice.

A Pin-Striped Double-Breasted Suit

If you still want to wear a suit on your pal’s wedding, then a pin-striped double-breasted suit is an excellent option.

This suit means authority, means business. It is not the typical wedding suit but a corporate one so, the groom is safe, and you got a suit to wear.

This suit will give you a dapper look, and with the classy cufflinks and belt, people will know that your presence is essential.

The accessories

An elegant cufflink, a style-dipped belt or a killing tie can change the essence of your dress for good.

People are taking the accessory shopping more and more seriously day by day, especially when it comes to the wedding.

The groom is none other than your mate, so everything about your dressing too, has got to be picture perfect.

So for the tips, always match your cufflinks with the pocket square, your belt must be of the same color of your shoes and tie should be of the right kind.

It is a glorious occasion, your best friend’s wedding, the experience is overwhelming, but that doesn’t mean you cannot look nice.